My Lifetime

23 December 2019 – Intense Day

Today was really intense – I worked 10 hours – 5 on the CBT course and 5 on the Upwork job. It was really demanding, especially considering I also went out for 3 hours – went shopping.. I really don’t know how time passed by so quickly. I can account for 13 hours – what happened for the other 3?! Overall, it was a very productive day, a bit intense and demanding though.

Today I learned to be prepared for the unexpected! I am grateful for the work I did and for the choices I made.

Have a merry day!

Food · My Lifetime

9-15 December 2019 – Realignment

This week I really took the time to heal and rest. I got a cold that made sure of that. By the end of the week it managed to mostly clear out though. On Friday I worked 8 hours on the Upwork job – really dedicated myself to that. On Saturday I attended the ToastMasters secret santa party – and it was AMAZING! I had the best time. It was an organized event that was similar to the meetings. It was really great. I will attend next year for sure!

Today I studied CBT for 3 hours, I watched 2 movies, I played, I cooked.

This week I learned to enjoy life more and to give people a chance. I am grateful for the great time I had, for the beautiful heart-warming experiences, for healing and for the wonderful connections.

I wish you a week full of opportunities and achievements!

My Lifetime

6-7-8 December 2019 – Recalibrating

I mostly took these days off and rested as much as I could. I’ve had some emotional struggles, but I eventually managed to get over them. I got to spend a lot of time with my family – playing and talking about various things – it was nice.

Today I went through 5 hours of the CBT course. It was really nice to work at it again and actually process the information. I missed it to some extent. Today I got reminded how I am the one that sets the priorities in my life – I am the one who chooses what I want to do. It is difficult to remember this somehow throughout interactions.. but I’m getting through it – with a little help from my friends. Today I also spent an hour designing some characters for an animation. The process had some obstacles and I decided to stop for the day. Maybe I’ll continue the work tomorrow. I generally feel that I am slowly integrating the insights from last weekend, from the psychology course. It’s interesting how great I feel that weekend and how difficult it is to integrate it the following days.. Maybe if I would try to do it conciously it would go faster? I currently find it difficult to let go of my emotions from the past. Seeing how my day-to-day actions are influenced by my past makes me sad. It makes me realize that I really have to work to learn to let go on the spot – when the past events/emotions get activated..

Today I learned that I have my own rhythm and I really need to remind myself of boundries. I am grateful for getting rest and connections.

I wish you a day full of achievements and insights.

Food · My Lifetime

5 December 2019 – Working Day

Today I worked most day – and I also complained a lot. It seems that since the psychology course last weekend, I do this a lot. It’s so challenging to integrate everything in a short time. I managed to cook a potato-leek soup today – it was average – nothing compared to one I tested years ago.. But it was ok nonetheless.

Today I learned how quickly thoughts slip through our mind – and how difficult it is to catch them and get them back! I swear.. sometimes… just.. I get the most life changing thought and it just disappears in thin air exactly before I give it attention.. Today was a day of personal truths – and I am grateful for that. Also for finding the strength within myself to admit some things I do and getting to spend time with my partner.

Have a creative and motivated Friday!

Food · My Lifetime

4 December 2019 – Average Day

Today has been average at best – I only worked on the Upwork jobs. I joggled with the 3 active jobs I have to sum up just to 5 hours of work. Somehow I’m not really into it – I feel like something is missing in my life.. I hope tomorrow I’ll understand better what’s going on. I had a salad for lunch and some spaghetti for dinner; it was nice to get to cook something and feel like I take care of myself. I still gave in today and ate chocolate. Lately I feel like I am addicted to it.. I am creating a correction though – with the multiple meals per day. Today we had an intervention for my sister – we gathered and had a ‘Valor Day’ – a day when everybody says what positive things they noticed at you and how you improved in a period of time. It’s a wonderful way to remind yourself what you value at yourself and be surprized by how supportive the others are and how much they noticed! I also watched some episodes today – and somehow I feel that this habbit should stop.. Usually I do this when I feel low on energy – and I just can’t understand what’s going on right now. Maybe it’s the healing process.

Today I got reminded that sometimes a due date can feel like a prison sentence – especially when you lose focus of your end-goal. I think it’s highly time I set some goals for myself and maybe do some introspection. I am grateful for the jobs that I sorted out today, for the amazing connection with my sister and partner, for my family and living another day!

Have a great, fulfilling day!

Food · My Lifetime

3 December 2019 – Toasty Day

Today I got officially accepted into ToastMasters. I cooked lunch today and served it with my partner. After attending the ToastMasters meeting, we went at a restaurant and had a nice chat with the group. I worked a bit for the Upwork job and watched some episodes.

Today I learned that I can socialize with a group and respect my boundries and even be confident! I am grateful for the interactions of the day, for the great food and for the work I got done.

Have a productive day full of achievements!

Food · My Lifetime

2 December 2019 – The Food Photos Are Back!

Today was like a story – it had a wonderful introduction and conclusion, but a mediocre content overall. I got up and prepared lunch for myself – something that hasn’t happened for a long time. I had a chat with my aunt over Skype while serving coffee. I talked a bit with my partner and then proceeded with work. After 3 hours of work, I somehow got mixed into drama.. after 2 to 3 hours of pointless arguing – expressing my repressed anger and the things that built up and I can no longer ignore, I finally got to an understanding with my partner. I then watched a whole season of some series while eating sweets.. I just couldn’t really stop myself.. I then worked another hour, woke my sister up to encourage her to get to the faculty on time and reviewed the work I did last week and last month. Seems that I worked 153 hours last month! Pretty good I would say.

Today I learned that hanging out with people that have a low energy can really hit me hard and trigger my repressed emotions. I am grateful for the work I did today, for getting to a conclusion in the conversation with my partner and for managing to get myself up. I really loved the beginning of this day and I want many more mornings like this.

I wish you a day of productivity and confidence!

My Lifetime

1 December 2019 – Now I Know That I Am

I went to the psychology course today and found out surprizing things about my boundries – about how tiny they are and almost inexisting. I only defend my boundries when I can’t stand the pain anymore, not when the pain starts.. It was interesting to discover this and relate it into my own life – the family life and work. I discovered that I don’t speak up – I let the others find a solution for me, even if I know what the best solution is for myself. As a result of this, I decided to observe myself and say a strong STOP at the point where the pain begins – prevent it from eating me alive! The other thing I learned today is how to integrate myself in a group and make it all homogeneous. I really have that resource in me – I just have to trust it! I went to the woods with my sister and Sheeba afterwards, for a session of grounding and for completely integrating the things I learned the past 3 days. I also got my ToastMasters account today and I managed to choose a path and actually investigate an assignment. I couldn’t decide between ‘Innovative Planning’ and ‘Effective Coaching’, but after some hard thought, I chose based on instinct – the coaching. I spent the night with my sister and partner, chatting and sharing a connection. I am pleased of how things worked out and how wonderful everything was.

Today I learned about my boundries and interpersonal relations. I am grateful for the beliefs that surficed today and for learning the most meaningful word for myself :


I wish you a day full of faith, a day of total alignment and getting things done.

Goals · My Lifetime

29 November 2019 – Open Your Heart

Today I attended the psychology course. Afterwards I did some introspection and spent some time with my partner and with my sister. It’s been a long day – productive, but long.

Today I learned a lot about my limits – and I actually felt overwhelmed by the things that are yet to come and my body seems to be unprepared for. I realized that I should start to prepare my body for the journey – things are coming into my life at a very fast pace and I need to prepare my vessel. I am grateful for all the experiences from today and for the clarity I got from everything.

Have a day full of personal truths, a day that lifts you up to new realms you never thought possible before. Enjoy your truth!

My Lifetime

28 November 2019 – Regrouping

Today I managed to rest. After a good, fulfilling sleep, I went shopping. I spent 4 hours in stores today, with my sister – we really got almost everything we needed (of course I forgot 2 items – at least they were rather optional). We attended a presentation at the faculty about European funds – at least I extracted some useful keywords out of this – for further future research. I managed to squeeze in some time to also do some studying – so 1 hour for the CBT course and 1 hour for the psychology course – filling in the gaps from my notes. It was a good day overall. I’m glad I went through this day. I bought a new garbage can – to prevent the dogs from grabbing things from it. BEXT investment EVEEER!

Today I learned that I can find joy and a positive long term meaning to even the most basic things. This means for me that I’m finally looking things in an optimistic way – this is so amazing for me – after all this time to get to this stage! I am grateful for my progress and for the outcome of every action chosen in the past – I can see and find lessons in every thing that happens.

I wish you a day of healing and reconquering confidence!