
Cycle 5 – Day 9 [Rest, Relaxation]

Today I took the day off. I slept more than usual, to make up for the energy invested yesterday into all the walking around. Nothing much happened; I did my normal routine and watched some TV series. I tried to cook a wanna-be apple pie and served some of it with some icecream. I spent the evening with my partner.

Have a good day!


Cycle 4 – Day 7

Today I got woken up by a call from a friend who needed some company. We had a very long conversation that stirred up some bad memories within me. Somehow I let that affect me, as it turns out I am not totally over some events..

I always start the new day fresh. Since I woke up it’s like the past day didn’t even happen. I always leave everything in the best order possible before going to bed. I try to resolve all my feelings and make my peace, to be able to start the new day anew. The events that happen in a day, always seem to affect me and set the tone of the day.

I weighed myself after the conversation and found out I gained a bit. I have 87.6 kg now. This only made my feelings worse and somehow I resorted to chocolate instead of minding my business. I spoke a bit to my sister and binge watched a TV series with 16 episodes.

No matter what I ate today didn’t satisfy me. Not the chocolate, not the potatoes I accidentally burned, not the brownie that I baked… nothing.. I think some things really got to me..

Design · Food · Personal projects · weight loss

Cycle 3 – Day 25-26

Yesterday I have slept a lot, to make up for the lack of sleep from a day earlier. After waking up, we went grocery and tools shopping. I got very upset with the staff while buying tools and had a breakdown. I got very angry after leaving and that influenced my day in a very bad direction. I bought fish and a lot of sweets, but at least I had a healthy brunch. We spent a lot of time in the car speaking about things and then we got home.

I spent some time with the new dog – we just hanged around together and I scratched her belly, which she totally loved and was asking for more. After some time, I decided to write a bit in the book and I managed to write about 2 pages of content. I am slowly going there. I wonder how many pages this book will have considering the plans I got for it.

I got bored and decided to watch some youtube videos about starting a youtube channel, food and websites. I wrote a bit more in my book and then realized it was already morning. I quickly went and made a coffee and a cup of tea and drank them while watching the sunrise. I got some ideas for my sites and just had to write them down. I went put on the terrace to brainstorm. I eventually ended up calling my father, to ask him a technical question, but somehow we got into talking and catching up for an hour.

I started working on my shelves a little and somehow ended up working intensly as I got very into it. I managed to build one shelf and then I didn’t stop until I built the rest. It was nice to finally see my idea come to life after 3 months. It was exactly how I pictured it. I waited for my partner to wake up and asked himbto help me take the measurements – which we took a bit wrong unfortunately. The shelves turned out amazing and they already serve their purpose brilliantly. I absolutely love the outcome!


I am feeling very proud and I am glad I staeted this project. I think this is my most successful building project yet!

Today I also weigh myself and saw that I have 86.5 kg (190.7 lbs) now. Reduced by 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) last week!

Overall today was a successful day, due to my willpower to not let an unfortunate event destroy my whole day.

Have a nice day!

Food · Personal projects

Cycle 3 – Day 24

Today I wrote a bit on the book and watched a lot of tutorials about making websites, hosting and marketing a successful website. I also continued building the shelves, cooked and later in the evening worked on a flyer for the spa.

I had pancakes for breakfast, rice with veggies and chickpeas for lunch and boiled potatoes with mushroom stew for dinner. I also had a coffee and a cup of tea, some bananas and frozen sour cherries. I also had a little chocolate and peanuts.

I really did learn a lot today and I am excited to have some ideas about what sites I want to create and have a direction.

I hope you had a good day.


Cycle 3 – Day 20, 21

Last two days I’ve been taking days off and not feeling that good about it.

I started off yesterday by eating chocolate and that kind of set the day with bad behaviour. I watched TV series and just wasted the day.. I was behaving as if I felt depressed, but the reality was different. I constantly thought that things can be changed, that I don’t have to do that and feel bad, but for some readon I didn’t take action and I didn’t change anything.

Today hasn’t been any different, I just continued watching series on Netflix and waited to go out with my partner’s mother at dinner.

Yesterday I had pasta with bell pepper for lunch and some sandwiches with tomato, mayo and greens for dinner. Today I had rice with veggies for lunch and had takeout for dinner – sauteed mushrooms with fried potatoes and cabbage salad along with some bread.

I hope your days were better.

Food · Pets · weight loss

Cycle 3 – Day 19

Today I mostly took the day off to rest. I went grocery shopping, played with the dogs, hanged around with the cat, cooked some sandwiches and watched some TV series. I also had some chocolate and bananas.

I weighed myself this morning and found out I now have 87 kg (191.8 lbs). I reduced by 0.8 kg (1.76 lbs) this week! It’s nice to see I am making progress overall. I hope this will be even better next week.

I hope you are having a great day!


Cycle 3 – Day 17

Today I cleaned up the house and moved all the things backed on the terrace, after the roof construction. I went out and checked the pressure of the car tires, cleaned the interior and exterior of the car and made sure everything is well organized. Here is a picture with the roof of the terrace, as I promised.

Tomorrow we have to go to a funeral and I had to prepare everything for the road. My partner’s brother was coming to sleep over with his girlfriend and I had to prepare an air mattress for them. I also managed to do my stretching routine, have a cup of tea, browse some freelancing apps.

Tomorrow we will have a lot to drive and we should be well rested, but unfortunately, we can only sleep 3.5 hours until we have to go. I hope everything will go well.

For lunch I had pasta with tomatoes. For dinner I had green beans with veggies and some chickpeas, along with one boiled potato. I also had some chocolate.

I hope you had a nice day.

Thoughts · weight loss

Why I have trouble losing weight

Once you decide that you want to change something in your life you have to identify the things that were unsuccessful in the past. You have to study your past mistakes in order to really see what you are doing wrong.

I analysed my eating and realized that I overly indulged in sweets and that I enjoyed processed meat and fatty foods a bit too much on a span of multiple days in a row, accompanied by lack of exercise. Everything seems right up till now – I have successfully identified the cause of me getting fat. The only thing left to do now is remove these from my diet, right?

I’ve been trying to remove these over and over again, but somehow I ended up in the same place.. I somehow get trapped back in the pleasure you get for the first 3 minutes of eating these taste bombs. No matter what I do or how determined I am, I still end up there..

After quitting my job and having time to do some soul searching, I finally found the reasons for getting fat. I wasn’t looking at the full picture; I had to look at the trigger of this behavior.

I always eat something sweet or processed when I feel sad or when I am really unsatisfied. The processed food triggers a little bit of artificial joy within us, in the first minutes of eating it. After that, we feel guilty we had it and the bad feeling returns – we start hating ourselves for having it. So the solution is to address the sadness and the things that bring us down. We also have to find healthier substitutes for the times when these moments arrive.

I also managed to do that, by creating this blog and monitoring what I eat. I still indulge in sweets every now and then, but I cook my own healthier alternatives or I aim for the less processed ones and I don’t feel bad about having it, because I monitor how often I serve it.

But, despite all this, at the end of every cycle, after I see clear progress in losing weight, I overly indulge again, for those 5-7 unmonitored days, undoing half of my progress..

I decided to look at my goals, at the reasons behind wanting to lose weight:

  • To be healthier overall, as I am currently Obese
  • To take some pressure off my back, literally
  • To feel better in my skin and be able to look in the mirror for more than 10 seconds
  • To be able to move freely and not get tired as fast.

All these are benefits anyone would want, but why am I self-sabbotaging so often then?

I’ve been told that I should start having kids around age 25 and that in order to be able to carry a child I have to lose signifficant weight – to get to around 75 kg. I have some medical issues that require this, as my fertility is a big question and my back wouldn’t be able to sustain my fat and a child without repercussions.

I am 25 and I am finally losing weight at a steady pace. But I am not ready to have kids. Every time I see I lost weight, I get a spark of joy because I make progress towards my goals, but then I panic a bit because I make progress towards my fear as well. I live constantly with these emotions: when I groccery shop, when I cook, when I manage the money for food, when I weigh myself, when I look in the mirror, when I get dressed and see my clothes are a bit loose.. I am self sabbotaging out of fear..

I always feel insecure about how I look, especially when I have to meet with other people. The cause of this is seeing all the females from my family always being ashamed of their bodies, no matter how fat or skinny they are.. I always thought the way you look shouldn’t matter, but everywhere around me people are obsessed with their image. They are never pleased with the progress they made..

I think it’s time to change the way we think. It’s time we face our fears and realize we own the choices we make. It’s time to accept our bodies as they are and celebrate the progress we make towards our goals. It’s time to choose mindfullness and know that we are the ones who can make a change for ourselves.

We are the ones who choose the direction in our lives. Let the fears behind, let the sadness behind; choose to enjoy the moment and celebrate the little achievements every day.

Career · Food · Pets

Cycle 3 – Day 6

Last night I had a terrible sleep. I had nightmares and woke up to the dog puking foam, twice. I researched it and found out it could be indigestion; he was generally active and seemed OK otherwise. I fell asleep again afterwards and got woken up by a very annoying fly that wouldn’t leave me alone.

I woke up and tried to take the fly out the window. I really tried for 10 minutes, but the situation got solved only by killing it… I then browsed and applied to some freelancing jobs.

I made lunch and then waited for my partner to come and pick me up to go to town. I worked a bit on my management app while out and then went to do some groccery shopping for a possibly exciting recipe for tomorrow. We went home, ate and had a long conversation about where things are and how we proceed for the following period of time.

For lunch I had pasta with a tomato. For dinner I only served some grapes and a banana. I also had a cup of tea, a glass of lemonade and a chocolate muffin as snacks. I ate a bit too much yesterday evening and had to somehow make up for it today. I also woke up late and that made me skip breakfast as well. But I wasn’t hungry today at all; I am surprized and proud that I only bought vital items while shopping and resisted all temptations.

Overall today was a good day; I did a bit of everything and I am generally pleased.

I hope your day is going in a good direction as well.

Career · Food

Cycle 3 – Day 5

Today I took care of things around the house; we did some cleaning, cooked for next week and played around with the dogs. I also managed to do my stretching, drink a cup of tea and handle some tasks that have been on my list for a while.

Today I decided to upgrade my freelance profile: to add to the portfolio the project from the last client and to take some skill tests. I successfully managed to raise my score on one test, which puts me in a better position. I also applied to some jobs and I hope to get at least one interview.

For lunch I had some of those mushrooms from yesterday with boiled potatoes and a salad. For dinner I had some boiled potatoes with two veggie patties. I felt the need for something sweet afterwards so I served 3 slices of bread with sour cherry jam. I also ate some almonds and fruits.

I hope you had a peaceful Sunday.