Exercise · Food · Pets

17 June 2019 – Another glorious day

I woke up at 3.45 a.m. I couldn’t sleep anymore. I had a great inspiration after getting out from bed and went to write up an article for my future site. The piece turned out wonderfully and it made me feel as if I conquered the world from the earliest hour! I prepared myself some breakfast and ate it calmly while watching food videos. I took Sheeba out for a 30 min walk and we ran on a football field 2 laps. It was really nice.

I was supposed to go to an event today, but it got postponed to next week. I spoke a lot with my sister and we hanged out over Skype. I really missed her! I stretched and cooked lunch and had it with my partner. I decided to do my homework for the following course we have this weekend, but got frustrated and decided to write all the theory again in another notebook. It took me about 4 hours – maybe more, but I managed to do it. The day seems soo long when you wake up so early in the morning! I am grateful for the joy I felt today in all my activities, for the connection with my sister, partner and the dogs and for having yet another memorable super productive and abundant day.

I wish you a good day!