
20 June 2019 – Avoidance and Panic

Today I woke up in a panicked state. I realized this is the last day to write my homework for the psychology course I will be attending tomorrow and I knew within me that I was not ready to face what I actually had to write.. I prepared lunch and I stuffed myself with food until I couldn’t eat anything anymore.. I watched a show and avoided the responsibility. I am amazed that this still happens. I gathered my courage and wrote one of the 3 exercises – which was the easiest one and then I decided to meditate for a while.

My partner got home and bought cake. He was in a similar state regarding the homework (we go together). We ate cake and talked about our day a bit. I started a new personal development course online to still avoid my duties, but it turns out the universe has a funny way to show you things. In this course, the first exercise was very similar to the one I specifically avoided in the homework. I decided not to do it, though; I finished the course and I went to sleep. I will let my future self deal with the homework, early in the morning.

I am grateful for access to precious resources and for the people around me.

I hope your day was better!