Career · Food · Thoughts

Cycle 2 – Day 21

Days seem to pass by me and I don’t even realize what day it is; I don’t understand time anymore; I don’t understand my schedule or my needs…

I’ve been working continuously on the freelancing job since Thursday, at full capacity; I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. I got very little sleep and used a lot of my resources to learn and come up with solutions for the issues that I am currently facing in development. I tried to maintain high quality and do everything by the book… This morning, I had almost everything ready, but the client finally responded to the things I sent to him on Friday evening and he said I need to change the implementation. This messes up with more than half of what I already did – I need to redo half of the project, and test those changes and learn new things. My new deadline is Friday. I don’t think I’m capable of doing this at the same pace. I am very tired, I dedicated too much to this already, and somehow, two weeks already passed by and I have to dedicate another one. My original estimation wasn’t like this at all; I thought this would be something easier to get done, but I guess I was very wrong..

I am trying to keep myself active and receptive and somehow still keep everything in order: being on diet, having regular stretching, socializing with my sister and partner.. It’s all very energy consuming.. I have to come up with ideas for food, for activities and also handle the job I am doing.. I cracked under pressure this morning; I’ve cried and had a fight with my partner, we made up and understood that I should just give my best..

The client seems to be understanding, somehow, and I really like that. He understood I need more time to understand what he wants to be done and implement it. It was a nice feeling, despite having so much work go to waste.

I’ve mostly ate around the diet: I had rice with chickpea veggie stew and potatoes with some yogurt for dinner. I had an ice cream and a glass of Coca Cola. And later on ate some bread.

I hanged out with my sister this morning, we served a cup of coffee on the terrace, staring at the sunrise. We took to the trash some old buckets that needed to be thrown away a long time ago. We decided to go to the land after that and ate some pastries. We gathered some wild flowers and I cut a chunk of skin from my finger.. I decided to go a bit wild and teach my sister how to drive; maybe this wasn’t the best idea considering how tired I was, but except for a good scare, everything went OK. She seems surprisingly good at it.

I am going to go to sleep soon and hope I will have the energy to do what I have to when I wake up.

I hope your day is going better and I wish you a wonderful day!