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Cycle 3 – Day 13

Today I woke up, fed the dogs and took them out to do their business – my partner usually does this, but he had to run off early in the morning. I had a banana, a cup of green tea, did my stretching routine and then started cleaning the house as my friend was coming over to get her curtains done.

I spent some time with her and her boyfriend; they hanged out with the cat and the dogs and chatted a bit. Finishing the curtains took us 10 minutes; sadly we didn’t manage to get that done last night.

I then made a setup in one of the rooms, connected the TV to the laptop, along with a keyboard and a mouse and started working furiously on the app. I took a break when my partner got home, to eat, and then I resumed. Overall, I completed 5 of the 13 items from the first stage of the app (2 were done previously, one per day) and I am very proud of that. After that I decided to squeeze in another stretching routine and did a quick 20 minutes Upper Body workout.

For lunch I had popcorn and grapes – my friend brought them and they would have gone bad if I didn’t eat. For dinner I had rice with roasted veggies and greens.

Today was a very productive day for me in terms of working. I also talked to my neighbour and the construction worker about the terrace roof and got everything planned.

I hope you had a productive day as well.